Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday Update

Hi to everyone, The weeks have gone by so fast and not as much stitching was accomplished as I expected or had hoped.

Over the weekend I went on quilting retreat and managed to piece to quilt tops. One I was working on over the week before and the blocks were partially pieced I had a mS6300647massive problem with the setting squares and corners my maths was very erratic and I did not work it out correctly the first time so I miss cut at least half a metre of material of a fabric that is no longer available so it was necessary to choose another out of my large stash and use that. The colours are reds gold's and black with Asian inspired fabrics included.  . 

The second quilt is a railroad kit in heritage material very easyS6300646y to piece and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This quilt top took around 6 hours to cut and piece and do a lot of laughing and eating while on retreat.  Not the best photo I do apologise I will take a better one once I have quilted it hopefully next week.

The other finish in the last week was the Hug Swap gifts all done and in the post, and I forgot to take photos.

The other finish was the block for the mish mash stash busters group I am a member of again I forgot to photo graph the block before I sent it.

You can tell by the last two sentences my brain is in a mush, I have a combination heavy head cold and hay fever so my brain is not working very well, in fact I am only managing to get work and household things done with any effectiveness.

Must go and catch up with household things Happy stitching from Jeannette

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