Sunday, July 19, 2009

No title today, Spring is in the Air

Something is in the air, it has been sunny and warm about 12 degrees during the day with a light southerly wind. Both yesterday and today it was warmer enough to walk along the beach and we even sat outside in the sun and had our lunch.

Today is the last day of the school holidays before Gabrielle returns to school tomorrow with only 5 weeks until her internal exams. So today we have spent the day as a family with this afternoon her father and Gabrielle have gone up to her eldest sisters house to help tame the garden, while I elected to stay at home and finish some much needed UFO,s. I have finished another ufo this afternoon  and are only down to four now. My goal is to finish at least maybe two quilt tops next month , and I hope to quilt at least two hopefully more it does depend on the time available. I will post the image of the finished tote tomorrow. Talk to you soon

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