Hi to every one.
A great week has gone by. Thursday was a friends birthday so we had lunch together, and Friday was my daughters Abbey's birthday.
On the stitching front I have finished the top of the Dresden plate, Irish chain combination in 1930's fabrics and hope to quilt it during next week.
The other finish was the Neptune circles up to the second to last round. But oh dear when I sub cut the blocks and resew them together I get an optical illusion of not perfect circles.
Even if the blocks are perfectly sewn and cut the colours warp the circles. The block here is as perfect as you can get it with perfectly matching seams.
Here the blocks are before they are sub cut laid out on the drawing board. I have an idea how I can save the blocks but will see how the idea works out once I draw it up.
Talk to you again next week.
Lovely quilt when are you going to update your blog with this weeks happenings