Does any on know how to number each comments individually that we receive. i have noticed on some blogs that each comment is allocated a number this option make it so much easier to use the random generator.
Today as a family we took a drive north to visit a plant shop that we visit a least four times a year. This place is a great place to visit as they have perennials at only $2.50 a plant. The plants are well hardened off and we have not lost a plant from here over the years. We have been in our home for nearly sixteen years and love adding plants to the garden. At the moment we are in the middle of winter with the first of the spring bulbs flowering and the almond tree is about to burst into flower.
We have made a promise to ourselves that even with the hard times we are going to spend more time together as a family so for the last three Sundays we have made trips away from home for a few hours and gone for walks and visited places we so not see regularly. Every week we plan on where we are going to go the next Sunday together. Ever since our youngest was a baby we have taken a short trip into the country to see the new lambs which with the spring flowers of daffodils are the major indication that the warmer days are not far away.
I must away to make the start making the Christmas presents for the Christmas challenge #3. My aim today is to make hot water bottles covers for my parents in laws.
This is how I numbered my comments, Jeanette.
Have fun! It wasn't hard :-)) and it does make it easier to do the random number thingy for working out giveaway winners.